Thursday, June 4, 2009 it really a short period of time

As I reflect upon the past and I look into the future a familiar question pops up each and every time. What have I achieved in the past and what should I achieve in the near and distant future. A plethora of thoughts gush in to my small brain that is slowly but surely turning into mush with time. Unfortunately the goals of the future tend to overshadow the achievement of the past. I made a conscious decision to jot these ideas else I would lose track of them. Most of these goals were wants in life. Thank God for he has provided the basic needs, its the wants that I had to and have to strive for. Be it a BMW 7 series or the Maserati I set my eyes on when I was in the mall or the CEO that I want to be in the near future for a multi billion dollar company or even the founder of the small start up. The list never ends and trickles down to even things like the Apple Mac book Pro that I wanted to own for the past one year or the vacation to Europe and Egypt that my wife and I wanted to go next year. Too many things on the mind.

Scanning through these little things I wanted in life, I wanted to prioritize these goals and these action items needed a level of effort, time and resources. They also needed a great sense of commitment and dedication. Finances do play an important role. I need to invest to get a return on my investment. In a society that equates the financial quotient as a mark of success (in majority of cases), it is a tough trying to juggle and balance things.

Am I wasting too much time paying attention to things that are of little importance i sleeping too much..... no i have lost enough sleep thinking about stuff and I think it is time to work out a plan that works. A plan for tomorrow, the day after and the rest of the days that happen in a Lifetime. Plans to make the best use of the time I have left as a tourist on this planet.